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Supporting Documents - March 3, 2022 Board Meeting

Supporting documents for meetings are uploaded as they become available, with all documents scheduled to be posted online 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Please note that there may be occasions when documents are received after that timeframe, particularly those submitted by members of the public. In those cases, the documents will typically be posted as they are received. 

Agenda - Final Revised (Numbering Only)


    Regular Agenda:

    3.  Continuation of Local Emergency:

    5.1  Retirement Plans: Presentation by Michael Kleczek, CRC®, CalPERS 457 Business Development Manager regarding the opportunity to offer an IRS 457(b) deferred compensation plan as a benefit for District employees; discussion and possible action authorizing the Executive Director to apply to CalPERS for a 457 Retirement Plan as a replacement for the existing Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) Plan. 

    5.2  Climate Action Initiative: Presentation from Julie Benabente, Climate Smart Deputy Director for the City of San José, on the Climate Smart Zero Emissions Neighborhood Pilot and Climate Smart GoGreen Teams Projects; discussion and possible action authorizing the Executive Director to execute a partnership agreement with the City of San Jose in the amount of $73,000.

        8.1  Valley Water Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Grants & Partnerships Program: Discussion and possible action authorizing partnership on grant application(s). 

        8.2  Community Grant Writing Technical Services: Update from Executive Director on initial outreach efforts and responses.

        9.1  District Name: Discussion and possible direction to the Executive Director to determine the legal requirements and recommended outreach efforts to change the legal name of the District (agenda item requested by Director Lanman).

        Consent Agenda:

        6.1       Approve minutes for the February 3, 2022, Board Meeting.

        6.2       Accept financial reports through January 2022.

        6.3       Authorize the Executive Director to submit an application to the Special District Leadership Foundation for a Special District Technology Grant in an amount not to exceed $3,000.

        6.4       Committee Referral: Authorize the Ad Hoc Environmental Justice Committee to review and provide comments to the California Association of Resource Conservation District (CARCD) Bay-Delta Region Chair regarding the draft Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee Charter for CARCD.

        Information Only

        6.5       Correspondence from the Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA); USDA to Invest $1 Billion in Climate Smart Commodities, Expanding Markets, Strengthening Rural America; dated February 8, 2022.

        6.6       Correspondence from the County of Santa Clara; County of Santa Clara Treasury Investment Portfolio Status;dated February 10, 2022.

        6.7       Correspondence from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region; Notice of Opportunity to Comment and Public Hearing for County of Santa Clara's Oregon Expressway Underpass NPDES Permit Reissuance; dated February 11, 2022.

        6.8       GCRCD Correspondence to the Santa Clara County Fish & Game Commission; South Bay Clean Creeks Coalition’s (SBCCC) Los Gatos Creek Anadromous Salmonid Habitat Improvement Conceptual Design Project; dated February 15, 2022.

        6.9       Comments to Valley Water regarding the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project Draft Environmental Impact Report from: 

        6.10    Correspondence from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region; San Francisco Bay Municipal Regional NPDES Stormwater Permit (MRP) reissuance schedule update; dated February 23, 2022.

        6.11    Correspondence from California Water Quality Monitoring Council; EJScreen 2.0 Training Webinar on March 9th, 2022 at Noon E.T.; dated February 23, 2022.

        6.12    Correspondence from California Water Quality Monitoring Council; Notice for Public Comment: State Agency Sea Level Rise Action Plan; dated February 24, 2022.

        6.13    California High Speed Rail Authority; California High-Speed Rail Releases Final Environmental Studies to Connect Silicon Valley and Central Valley; dated February 25, 2022.