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Supporting Documents for January 9, 2025

Supporting documents for meetings are uploaded as they become available, with written documents scheduled to be posted online 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Please note that there may be occasions when documents are received after that timeframe, particularly those submitted by members of the public. In those cases, the documents will typically be posted as they are received. Not all agenda items will have written supporting documents, so please refer to the agenda for a complete list of items to be considered by the Board.


Regular Agenda Items: 

7.1       Brown Act Overview:  Presentation by District Counsel Gantenbein regarding the Ralph M. Brown Act, a California law that ensures the public's right to attend and participate in local government meetings and discussions.

7.2       Strategic Planning:  Update by Executive Director Moreno on status of the SWOT Analysis. 

7.3       District Logo:  Discussion and possible action regarding an update to the District’s logo, as presented by the ad hoc Naming and Branding Committee (Vice President Bautista/Director Entin).

7.4       Board Meetings: Discussion and possible action regarding the regular meeting date, time, and meal provisions.

7.5       Santa Clara County Special Districts Association (SCCSDA):  Discussion and possible action to select the SCCSDA primary and alternate designates to represent the District and its interests at SCCSDA meetings and events.

7.6       California Association of Resource Conservation Districts:  Update from Board President/CARCD Delegate Maitski regarding the annual conference and business meeting.

8.          Programs and Projects: Presentation regarding current active and pending District programs, projects, and collaborations.

Consent Agenda Items:

5.1  Approve minutes for the November 2024 Regular Board meeting.

5.2  Accept financial statements for November 2024.